After two consecutive years of vague, carpe-diem resolutions ("live spherically!" "wake up happy!") from which I had moderate, if unquantifiable success, I've decided to go the pragmatic route: be better at correspondence. I'm a writer, for chrissakes. Other than finances, nothing makes me feel guiltier: I've been dodging Henri for almost a YEAR, Norma for a month and a half-- and these are lovely people deserve responses. They probably haven't even noticed the absence of my mail in the post, but I have. So my resolution is to respond to mail within two days of receiving it, whether electronic or paper-based. This should solve late-fee traps, friendships in disrepair (see above,) most student-teacher problems, etc.
First order of business: finish applications for grad schools and be first in line on Saturday at the post office.
Second orders of business: assemble late xmas gifts, make xmas cards, prepare for post. Write thank-you cards but send separate from gifts.
Third: compile manuscripts and email Norma and Henri.
4: finish Aaron's xmas present. Print picture. Print poem(s?)
Oh hell. 226. Refuse to see this as failure before beginning; I have a plan, and the new year can bring only success and happiness... and surely this spectrum of Popsicle-colored note cards from Kate's Paperie could help me get there.